Yoga Therapy
Conditions that have been shown to have been
improved through Yoga Therapy:
Anxiety & stress
Back pain from most causes,
including herniated discs & ankylosing spondylitis -
Piriformis syndrome
Digestive issues
Headaches, migraines, TMJ
Chronic pain & illness
Chronic tightness & soreness of muscles
Injury recovery & rehab
Post-natal core imbalance & weakness
Post cancer diagnosis
Plantar fasciitis
Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, MS
Who can benefit from this style of yoga?
Anyone who encounters stress, mentally, or physically & wants to learn ways to mindfully help themselves.
How can yoga help with these things?
In all cases, learning to breathe more effectively & deeply will help the symptoms of conditions shift & change. When you breathe deeply you change the fight or flight response to a relaxation response & this in itself will help a person.
Learning awareness, teaches us our boundaries & how to not force through them.
Our body then begins to trust us & through the idea of “Less is More” we can begin to release tension from the mind & body & help find strength & ease to help us heal.