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Sound as Therapy

Happy Earth Day!

I hope you are enjoying the beautiful day & the feeling that Spring has finally arrived.

This week in Savasana during my classes, I took everyone on a sound journey. I used a background of sound, OM or a drone of sound then layered on a singing bowl, crystal bowl, my voice & even a rattle. The intention was for each student to receive the sound & go on a journey that was evoked by the sounds that were happening around them. To allow the sound to affect the nervous system to help find a sense of release, peace & balance.

I also encouraged students to say things like haaaaaa or mmmmmm as a way to feel how sounding in a very simple way can affect how they feel in their bodies & mind. Most of us "sing" at some time, even if it's just in the shower or in the car to our favorite song. Sound connects us to our memories & can help to shift how we feel in that moment.

Every cell in our body vibrates & makes a sound, so our whole body becomes a symphony of sound (inaudible to the naked ear). Each person affects each other as our energy combines & changes the sound. Everything has a sound, a frequency, even the planets. In honour of earth day, here is a recording from NASA of the sound of the Earth. Amazing, beautiful. Can you add your voice to that sound & see the "song" you can make?

If we could remember that all things have energy, including the trees, rocks, everything on this earth we might treat Her better. Our intentions of what we do & say in the world has an affect.

We know the Earth is struggling, just as we all are. So how do we help to heal the planet? I always believe the first step is to help heal ourselves. To help us to work through our own stresses & traumas, but going inwards. By doing the work to help us find more balance in ourselves & our lives & that will translate into how we treat our Mother Earth.

In our busy lives, we forget, without the Earth, we would not be able to live. That we are here for a short time, each one of us takes what we need from it & so we need to give back. To give respect to the Earth & ourselves. To work together instead of against each other, for the greater good.

Today, Earth Day, do something, even as simple as turning off technology & going outside to enjoy the beauty that is all around us. So now, shut off your computer, leave your phone behind & just take a walk, or sit in the sun. Take a deep breath in & exhale, haaaaaaaa........

For more info on Sound Therapy & it's benefits, see the article below, but that's for another time, go now & commune with the Earth on this day of celebration for all it gives us :)

What You Need To Know About Sound Healing Nate Martinez

February 19, 2015 — 10:35 AM


Sound has been utilized in various cultures for thousands of years as a tool for healing. Whether through the use of mantras as with the Hindis, the Icaros (medicine melodies) of various Indigenous peoples from Central and South America, or Pythagoras' use of interval and frequency, these various techniques all have the same intention: to move us from a place of imbalance to a place of balance.

How does it work?

Sound helps to facilitate shifts in our brainwave state by using entrainment. Entrainment synchronizes our fluctuating brainwaves by providing a stable frequency which the brainwave can attune to. By using rhythm and frequency, we can entrain our brainwaves and it then becomes possible to down-shift our normal beta state (normal waking consciousness) to alpha (relaxed consciousness), and even reach theta (meditative state) and delta (sleep; where internal healing can occur).

This same concept is utilized in meditation by regulating the breath, but with sound it's the frequency that is the agent which influences the shift.

What is it like?

A sound therapy treatment is both a passive and participatory experience. The passive aspect is that you become more relaxed by laying down and slowing your breath. By doing this, you prepare yourself to become the receiver of sound. It's in this place of stillness that you participate by becoming more open and aware of each sound that comes in. Sound helps create the pathway to this place of stillness the same as a mantra helps you to arrive at the still point of meditation.

Some of the tools I use are voice, drumming, tuning forks and Himalayan singing bowls. It's important to note that awareness plays a huge role in our own healing. I find that vocal toning is an incredibly powerful practice that gives us the ability to fine-tune our greatest vibrational instrument: our own body. I always encourage clients to incorporate simple, but effective breathing exercises and vocal toning exercises in their daily routine, to help bring a greater sense of balance into their lives.

How do we define the energetic body?

If we are able to shift our perspective, we can change our relationship to the issue that may be preventing us from experiencing our optimal homeostasis. Sound not only helps with inducing relaxation, but also has a way of moving through areas of blockage. These energetic blockage areas can be located in our physical bodies, our subtle bodies, or both.

The physical body is where we experience localized pain and discomfort. Using tuning forks, especially osteophonic tuning forks(they vibrate at lower frequencies), we can stimulate the release of Nitric Oxide, a free radical molecule that has been proven to positively affect pain transmission and control. Which, in short, means that these frequencies help to create a physiological reaction, while the sound itself helps to influence our auditory system, enabling us to modify our relationship to the pain.

Our "subtle body" is our energetic body. This body is where our life force energy exists, commonly referred to as Qi, Chi or prana. In Chinese medicine, meridian points are used to pinpoint areas that have restricted energetic flow to our physical and subtle bodies. The body is known to have thousands of these meridian lines that are mapped out through the body, in the same way we've mapped out the latitude and longitude of the earth.

The subtle body holds imbalances and traumas that can eventually manifest in our physical bodies, which is why it's important to look at healing and balance not only from a physical perspective, but as a complete holistic experience that includes mind, body and spirit.

Sound has the ability to positively affect our whole being. Eileen McCusick, author of Tuning The Human Biofield, has been exploring the theory that our subtle body acts as memory storage. For example, a tree has rings that extend outward as the tree grows. McCusick suggests that our subtle body expands and stores our life experiences in a similar way. If we apply frequency with tuning forks we can help blocked energy from past experiences move toward the energetic filtration system of each chakra, so that the stuck energy can be recycled back into our life force.

What can sound heal?

Using sound as therapy can provide results for a variety of issues including:

  • Sleep disorders

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Stress management

  • PTSD

  • Depression

  • Pain management

Is our environment a factor?

It's important to consider what kinds of sound we take in from our living environments. Anyone who lives in New York City knows how painful the sound of a subway train screeching to a halt feels and sounds. Loud sounds can elevate our stress levels, create imbalances in our nervous system, lower our immunity and in extreme cases, cause hearing loss.

When we are stressed, our whole relationship to sound changes, and regular everyday sounds can become magnified and contribute to the feedback cycle of the stress, amplifying it even more. By utilizing sound therapy techniques, we can become better listeners and more aware of the sounds we take in.

Many of us already have a pretty good understanding of the benefits of healthy eating, and the same can be true of sound. This is another example where mindfulness practices like chanting and vocal toning, can help us to find a center and feel grounded. In doing so, when we do have those stressful trigger moments, we may be better equipped to appreciate and discern the sounds more as our own unique symphony constantly happening around us, rather than feel overwhelmed by random cacophony.

Our body, mind and spirit always want to be moving in a direction toward balance, yet we often have too much outer stimulus and noise and not enough time to dedicate to ourselves, which can prevent us from achieving a better state of harmony. Sound has a way of helping us get to the source of this inner peace we all desire.

-- Namaste,

Anne Cox E-RYT 500


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