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A New Way of Being

As January moves along, so do we, clearing away the decorations from the holidays & getting back to our normal routines. As we settle back into work, family & personal obligations, can we see how this year is feeling a bit different? No? Do you want it to be?

Smile, Breathe & Go Slowly - Thich Nhat Hanh

I wrote this quote on bookmarks I gave my students before Christmas. The intention was to remind us that when life is busy, difficult, straining.... to notice we are caught up in things & to take a moment to STOP! Smile (see the Joy in life), Breathe (feel this moment, lifeforce moving through us) & Go Slowly (don't rush to the future, but enjoy NOW & be present to where we are going).

We have the best intentions for 2018 to be a time of change. But reality sets in & we get lost in all the details of life. I feel we should let go of tying to"fix" ourselves, we are NOT broken, but to learn to be awake & alert in our lives. When we are present, & see this moment as it is, we can choose to respond to what life is thrown at us, instead of reacting.

Even more important, when we do react (maybe not so gracefully), we can see it as a teaching moment, learn from it & move on.

If you are not aware, in the last Year I have begun work with a practice called Conscious Breathwork through Numa Somatics with Trevor Yelich

It has been a profound, challenging, enlightening journey teaching me to take time to be present to what I am holding onto. Taking the time, through a specific breath practice to move through these patterns & let them go.

Through this practice I am able to see when triggers come up in my life, to be more present & respond in a way that allows the emotional charge in that moment to be changed & released. It is a wonderful compliment to Yoga & I wanted to share that I will be assisting Trevor in a group Numa Somatics Breathwork session this Sunday.

Step into your life & try new things to make 2018 your year to move through what is holding you back & to allow a new way of BEING. I would love to be a part of supporting this transition in your life. Join me for some Yoga or Numa Somatics Breathwork & we'll learn together.

Numa Somatics Breathwork with Trevor Yelich

Sunday, January 14, 2017 6:00 - 9:00 pm $50 +gst at YogaMcc

Journeying inwards with the breath as guide and healer, we open and clear the pathways to well-being while exploring the continuum of body, beliefs, emotions, and non-physical realms. Each breath becomes a powerful key to the awareness of our reality and who we are in our lives.

Conscious Breathwork is a simple yet profound and transformative technique that catalyzes the resolution and integration of old, stagnant energies on all levels.

The numerous benefits include:

• Increased energy and rejuvenation of organs and cells • Detoxification, restoration, balance and oxygenation of the cells • Recognition and integration of repressed emotions • Release of negativity and conscious/unconscious patterns • Insight, expanded awareness and spiritual growth

** No previous experience is required. ** for more information or to register,

or call 403-251-yoga (9642)


Anne Cox E-RYT



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